Complete Hum Ko Deewana Kar Gaye Bollywood music album from SongsPK, Songs.pk. Hindi Movie Directed by Raj Kanwar and Produced by Raj Kanwar, .
Humko Deewana Kar Gaye. The DVD release omits the intermission card. Soundtracks. Nazaara Hai. Girish Karnad, Indian Filmmaker and Star, Dies at 81.Q:
Syntax of Runnable and FutureTask in Future.get
I just want to make sure I have everything right with Future.get.
My API endpoint returns the following:
"id": 2,
"name": "Third-Party-Service-1",
"owner_id": 1,
"expiry_date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
I'm not sure what I should be storing into the Future.get in order to be able to receive that.
I was thinking of just storing the ID (2 in this case) and the expiration date into the future.get itself. What do I have to store into the future.get to be able to receive these data?
public class ApiController {
public Future> saveAsByExpiry(@PathVariable Long id,
@RequestHeader(value = "X-Auth-Token") String token,
@RequestHeader(value = "Accept") String acceptHeader)
throws IOException { ac619d1d87
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